Image CC by uniquexme

Week Nine of #WalkMyWorld 2014

Welcome to Week Nine, or Learning Event Nine of the #WalkMyWorld Project.

We’ve had quite a run in this initial version of the project and I’d like to thank you once again for all that you shared. I’ve had a ton of family and friends asking me over the weekend exactly what was happening with this “walk my world” thing that I keep posting about. I explained what we’re doing, and now they’re trying to share and get involved. Once again…thank you all for sharing…now let’s wrap things up and start connecting with others.

Curation of content

This week we would like you to collect and curate the content that you’ve shared over the past eight weeks. In our work, we try to move teachers and students from content consumers, to content curators, to content constructors. What this means is that we want you to curate, and see the value in curating content online and sharing with others. You may chose any way possible to curate and share the eight weeks of content that you’ve shared during the project.

We would like to suggest that you use Storify to collect and share your work. Storify is a free tool that can be used to create stories using social media elements. We’ll have a series of tutorials over the coming week showing you how to use Storify. I’ll do a Hangout-on-Air tuesday night from the tutorial I give in class. I also know that many of you have extensive experience using the tool…and your support is invaluable. To get started, please review the in-depth tutorial Greg McVerry built on his blog.

You can review a video on how to use Storify at the video below.

To publish and share your Storify collection, please view the following video. Grab the link for your Storify piece and share it to Twitter using the #WalkMyWorld hashtag.

At the conclusion of your Storify curation, please share a reflection of the work that you’ve shared over the previous eight weeks. You might chose to share this reflection in the form of a poem. Alternatively, you could also just write a few paragraphs reflecting on the practice…or create another audio or video reflection and add it to the bottom of your Storify piece.


In your reflection, either in prose or poetry, we ask you to return to the original prompts we shared with the #WALKMYWORLD community:

In what ways are you establishing your own identity through your naming of things?

In your naming of things in the #WalkMyWorld project, how are you sharing your own private history?

How does your naming and identification of your world separate you from the world?



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