
Welcome to Learning Event Four of the #WalkMyWorld Project 2015.

What does “dawn” look like in your world? What do new beginnings look and smell like as you start your day?

Photo by Rickydavid http://flickr.com/photos/cuppini/2604755547 shared under a CC BY-NC-ND license
Photo by Rickydavid http://flickr.com/photos/cuppini/2604755547 shared under a CC BY-NC-ND license

What gets you excited to get up and enter your world? As we begin our days, we are each individuals in a global civilization that is closely networked. Many people believe this early start to the day sets the tone for how the remainder of the day will proceed. Still others feel that dawn represents time to reflect and find your center. Much of what makes us who we are is closely linked to each of our dawns and how we start our days.

Do you have a favourite time of day? What does your dawn look like? What does it smell like? What does dawn sound like for you?

Your response for the fourth learning event

Read and annotate Dawn by Dorothea MacKellar. Read The Fierce Country by Douglas Stewart. The first poem, Dawn is an Australian poem that reflects a landscape, time, and place that was very important to the poet, Dorothea Mackellar. The New Zealand-born poet, Douglas Stewart, offers a harsher Australian landscape in The Fierce Country. Think about the imagery these two poems create.

Photo by AlicePopkorn http://flickr.com/photos/alicepopkorn/4409120449 shared under a CC BY-ND license
Photo by AlicePopkorn http://flickr.com/photos/alicepopkorn/4409120449 shared under a CC BY-ND license

What kind of landscape represents you? Would your landscape be harsh, dry, and hot or cool, lush, and green? Do you have a favourite time of day? Does it contain despair, hope or joy? Is it the end or the beginning of a journey? Have you ever witnessed a ‘miracle’ whilst walking ‘the common way’?

Create a visual, written, and/or audio text which best captures the essence of your dawn. Try and incorporate features of your landscape. You may want to link to a poem, poet, or song that is unique to your country or culture.
Share your response using the #WalkMyWorld hashtag on twitter. Be sure to stay active on the #WalkMyWorld hashtag to see what other people share as a representation of their dawn.

A guiding example


One of our organizers, Kate Booth (@SCU006) from Australia created and shared this image using the Word Mover iPad app.

CC BY-SA 4.0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.