Maker Menu


How to Use This Page

Below are a list of ideas, extensions, or different ways of thinking about modes, texts, and meaning. Teachers or participants can complete some, none, or all of these makes as a method to respond to each weekly #walk prompt.

It would be impossible to complete or ask participants to do these all. Yet we want to think about how we construct our identities in digital spaces. We want to think how this act of writing ourselves into the world is changed by the affordances of new modes.

So think about this page as a menu. Choose the makes that meet your needs as a teacher or a participant. The chef loves substitutions. Feel free to take a make and remix the idea. Have your own recipe? Great! Post a link to your page in the comment section below.

Don’t be afraid of the slow food movement. Just because information moves at the speed of light does not mean we have to “hit warp speed, jump into hyperspace or even go plaid.” Take your time when reading and writing the web. Make something. Hack it up. Play with meaning. Learn

Butterfliesinthesky. (2012). Ludicrous Speed. FunnyJunk. Probably ripped from Spaceballs.
Each Make is classified as either No Tech, Lo Tech, Hi Tech.
  • No Tech-You do not need a computer. Tutorial includes paper based options.
  • Lo Tech- Defined as any tool that predominantly uses a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor.
  • Hi Tech- May require you to play with code (HTML, CSS) or requires technical skills (video streaming, editing)






Taking the First StepTwitter 101. Easy to follow tutorial on how we will use Twitter as our classroom.

Creating PathwaysTwitter 201. Learn how to use Tweetdeck to organize your Twitter experience. Social media has educational benefits when you connect more to ideas and communities rather than people or followers. We will build your pathways to participation through Twitter.

Your Place on the MapCreating a Digital Hub. Follow an easy tutorial on using Known or Medium as a blogging platform.

Surveying the Journey. The Web, annotated.  Through out #walkmyworld you may want to try to annotate websites and texts.

My Mixtape. (No-Tech, Hi-Tech). Mixtapes have captured emotions for decades. What is you mixtape?

Found Sounds. (Lo-Tech, Hi-Tech). Find a bunch of noise. Remix it together.

Emotional Fonts (hi-Tech) Learn how to use Google Fonts.

Movie Poster (No-Tech, Hi-Tech) Design your own blockbuster.

flickr photo by Laura Mary shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license


CC BY-SA 4.0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.