I Dream

Welcome to Learning Event Six of the #WalkMyWorld Project 2015.

Do you dream? Are they recurring, happy, sad, difficult to remember? Are they in color? Are they powerful?

Photo by mripp http://flickr.com/photos/56218409@N03/15562244442 shared under a CC BY license
Photo by mripp http://flickr.com/photos/56218409@N03/15562244442 shared under a CC BY license

What can you do with your dreams? Our dreams are often a chance for us to catch up on the events of the day. We’re provided a chance to find balance in the dissonance of the day. Dreams give our psyche an opportunity to prepare for what future events might warrant. Dreams also sometimes allow us to script out cherished aspirations, ambitions, or ideals.

Do you dream? If so, what do you dream about? What memories is your subconscious trying to bring forward? What narrative is your subliminal state of mind creating? What do these dreams say about you? What aspect of your future, and your past is shaped by these dreams? How much of your dreams is a reality? What consequence is there for a dream deferred or unrealized?

Your response for the sixth learning event

RA-Monster-Calls-Illustration.jpgeview the image to the right from A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, illustrations by Jim Kay.

The fantasy novel details the tribulations of a 13 year old boy (Connor) that has nightmares when an ancient yew tree visits and shares stories with Connor.

The image to the right shares a moment while the yew tree, portrayed as a monster waits for Connor to come out and find him.

After you review the image, watch the video American Shokunin by Ryan Bush. The video details the work, art, and philosophy of Ryan Neil.

Consider the imagery in the illustration and the video. What common threads are present between the two texts? What beliefs do the authors of these texts share about our dreams and possibly our nightmares? What do the authors believe is the purpose of our dreams? What can we possibly do with our dreams if given the opportunity? What becomes of a dream deferred and allowed to dry up? Are you allowed to follow your dreams…or are they dictated by another?
Photo by JanetR3 http://flickr.com/photos/ramsd/5515925268 shared under a CC BY license
Play, create, and share an image or video of a dream that you have had and provide a subtext for that dream. You might choose to capture a photo or video. You might choose to paint or illustrate an image using an online or offline tool. You could use iPiccy which is a great simple online photo editing tool or Thinglink which is another image tool that allows links etc to be embedded into your image. You might even choose to add an audio soundscape to your work.
Tweet this response to the #WalkMyWorld hashtag. Be sure to keep an eye on the hashtag for ideas as to what others are sharing and they identify what they dream about.

A guiding example

One of our project organizers Kate Booth (@scu006) and a group of 5th grade students recreated images from the novel using Microsoft Pain and black and white photos using their iPads.
The ultimate work product is an example of  mixing text, images, and colors while working with online and offline texts.

CC BY-SA 4.0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.